Sunday, September 25, 2011

Vocabulary Homework #1 (9/26/11)

McKenzie Cooke
Accel English 12
A block

Vocabulary Homework #1

1.) Agri - Agribusiness
·        Noun
·        An industry engaged in the producing operations of a farm, the manufacture and distribution of farm equipment and supplies, and the processing, storage, and distribution of farm commodities.
·        Businesses occupied in farming and the trades of agriculture.
·        Synonym – farming
·        Antonym -
·        The family specialized in agribusiness, they grew, processed, and sold their own corn products.

2.) De - Demonstrate
·        Verb
·        To illustrate or explain, especially with many examples, the value or efficiency of a product or object
·        To prove or make clear with reasoning or evidence
·        Synonym – reveal
·        Antonym – disprove
·        Billy Mayes was the face for Oxy Clean products and demonstrated their uses on television commercials.

3.) Gyr - Gyrate
·        Verb
·        To oscillate with or as with if a circular or spiral motion
·        To revolve around a point of axis
·        Synonym – rotate
·        Antonym –
·        The earth gyrates on its axis and revolves around the sun at the same time.

4.) Ply - Plywood
·        Noun
·        A material used for various building purposes, consisting usually of an odd number of veneers glued over each other, usually at right angles.
·        A type of wood that can be found in 4 by 8 foot sheets, at a number of different levels of thickness
·        Synonym – plyboard
·        Antonym –
·        Many parts of the new house were constructed from plywood, including the sub floors, walls, and roof.

5.) Therm - Thermostat
·        Noun
·        A device that functions to establish and maintain a desired temperature automatically or signals a change in temperature for a manual adjustment.
·        A mechanism that regulates a specific temperature in a room or area.
·        Synonym – thermoregulator
·        Antonym –
·        We had to turn up the thermostat in our house because of the sudden drop in temperature outside.

6.) Uni - Unite
·        Verb
·        To join, combine, or incorporate so as to form a single whole unit.
·        To cause to adhere, or to exhibit in union.
·        Synonym – join
·        Antonym – divide, separate
·        The whole student body was united in the lecture hall for an important announcement from the school principal.

1.) Alleviate
·        Verb
·        To make easier to endure
·        To lessen
·        Synonym – ease
·        Antonym – aggravate
·        The man had to have a back operation, and his doctor would prescribe him strong medicine to alleviate all of his pain.

2.) Annihilate
·        Verb
·        To destroy the collective existence or main body of; to destroy completely
·        To wipe out or cancel the effect of
·        Synonym – abolish
·        Antonym – preserve
·        The battle was a complete massacre; all members of our troop were annihilated.

3.) Discord
·        Noun
·        Lack of harmony between persons or things
·        Disagreement; difference in opinion
·        Synonym – controversy
·        Antonym – agreement
·        The two men got into a discord because there was a lot of controversy over their different views of religion.

4.) Chastise
·        Verb
·        To discipline, especially by corporal punishment.
·        To criticize severely
·        Synonym – punish
·        Antonym – comfort
·        The coach thinks that severely chastising his players for their mistakes will make them better players.

5.) Eschew
·        Noun
·        Having nothing to do with; to abandon
·        To abstain or keep away from
·        Synonym – avoid
·        Antonym – embrace
·        Her parents eschew telling her stories from their past because they are afraid that she will make the same mistakes they did.

6.) Credence
·        Noun
·        Belief as to the truth of something
·        A mental acceptance as true or real
·        Synonym – certainty
·        Antonym – distrust
·        The group of girls were not able to recognize the news as rumor, and gave credence to the gossip, spreading it around the school.

7.) Loquacious
·        Adjective
·        Characterized by excessive talk; chattering or babbling
·        Talking or tending to talk much or freely
·        Synonym – chatty
·        Antonym – quiet, on-talkative
·        The candidate was very loquacious, and his talkative personality caused him to lose the election because he always babbled off topic when giving a speech.

8.) Culpable
·        Adjective
·        Meriting condemnation of blame especially as wrong or harmful
·        Deserving blame or censure; blameworthy
·        Synonym – guilt, liable
·        Antonym – innocent
·        The driver of the stolen vehicle was culpable although there were two other people present with him when the crime took place.

9.) Panacea
·        Noun
·        A remedy for all ills or difficulties one may encounter
·        The answer or solution to all problems
·        Synonym – remedy
·        Antonym – problem
·        My grandmother seems to think that her remedy of soaking a sunburned body in concentrated tea is a panacea for burns.

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